Selasa, 08 September 2020

Jurnal Skripsi Bahasa Inggris CIRC Technique on Reading Comprehension





Jl. Pembangunan (selakaso) Desa Pasir Halang Kotak pos 01 kecamatan sukaraja sukabumi telp.(0266) 6243531


The objective of the research was to get empirical evidence of  the effectiveness of cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique in reading comprehension of narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu  in  academic  year 2019/2020. The method that used in the research was quasi-experimental method which divided two different classes.

The classes were designed as experiment class and control class. Both of the classes were given different treatment. Experimental class was taught by CIRC technique and the controlled class was taught without any technique. The students’ populations of eleventh grade at SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu are 178 students, and the samples are 53 students (25 students for experiment class and 28 students for controlled class). The sampling technique that was used was purposive sampling. Moreover, this research  was  conducted  through  the  following  procedures:  giving  pre-test, applying treatments, and giving post-test.

The data analyzed in this research was gathered through test and questionnaire for experimental class. The test forms are 20 items of multiple choices. The questionnaire consists of five questions. The data analyzed by statistic formula of T-test. The result that was gained from the research proved the difference between students’ score in learning reading comprehension by CIRC technique and without using CIRC technique. according to the statistical calculation above, the value of t0 was 4.900 and the degree of freedom is 53 with 5% degree of significant used by the writer. Based on the significance, it can be seen that on df = 53 in significance 5% the value of the ttable is 2.006. while the significant level obtained by the table above is 0.000 because 0.000 < 0.05 it can be concluded   that  the  Null  Hypothesis   (H0)  is  rejected   and  the  Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In conclusion, the CIRC technique have the effectiveness on students' reading comprehension of narrative texts at the tenth grade of SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu in academic year 2019/2020.


Keyword: CIRC Technique, Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text




Jl. Pembangunan (selakaso) Desa Pasir Halang Kotak pos 01 kecamatan sukaraja sukabumi telp.(0266) 6243531


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris efektivitas teknik cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) dalam membaca pemahaman teks naratif pada siswa kelas sepuluh SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu pada tahun akademik 2019/2020. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuasi eksperimen yang membagi dua kelas yang berbeda.

Kelas dirancang sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Kedua kelas diberi perlakuan berbeda. Kelas eksperimen diajarkan dengan teknik CIRC dan kelas yang dikendalikan diajarkan tanpa teknik apa pun. Populasi siswa kelas sebelas di SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu adalah 178 siswa, dan sampel adalah 53 siswa (25 siswa untuk kelas eksperimen dan 28 siswa untuk kelas terkontrol). Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Selain itu, penelitian ini dilakukan melalui prosedur berikut: memberikan pre-test, menerapkan teknik circ dalam pembelajaran, dan memberikan post-test.

Data yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui tes dan kuesioner untuk kelas eksperimen. Formulir tes adalah 20 item pilihan ganda. Kuesioner terdiri dari lima pertanyaan. Data dianalisis dengan rumus statistik uji-T. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian membuktikan perbedaan antara skor siswa dalam belajar membaca pemahaman dengan teknik CIRC dan tanpa menggunakan teknik CIRC. menurut perhitungan statistik di atas, nilai t0 adalah 4,900 dan derajat kebebasan adalah 53 dengan tingkat signifikansi 5% yang digunakan oleh penulis. Berdasarkan signifikansi, dapat dilihat bahwa pada df = 53 pada signifikansi 5% nilai ttabel adalah 2,006. sedangkan tingkat signifikan yang diperoleh oleh tabel di atas adalah 0,000 karena 0,000 <0,05 dapat disimpulkan bahwa Hipotesis Null (H0) ditolak dan Hipotesis Alternatif (Ha) diterima. Kesimpulannya, teknik CIRC memiliki efektivitas pada pemahaman membaca teks naratif siswa di kelas sepuluh SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu pada tahun akademik 2019/2020.


Kata Kunci: Teknik CIRC, Pemahaman Membaca, Teks Naratif





Every nation has a language but some languages become the international language to have a communication with abroad people around the world, and English is one of international languages, widely used and studied all over the world. Nowadays, English has been important language to have an interaction with the foreign people.  There are many aspects, such as:  education,  economy,  and politics. In learning English, the students are required to master four basic skills of English, such as: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Reading comprehension is considered is a necessary skill because its role in facilitating students to master English as well as they can.

Reading is a process to get the information and increase our knowledge. Therefore, reading is important for the students because the success of their studies depends on their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor, they likely fail in their study or at least they will be difficulty to understand their entire lesson.

Thus, one of the appropriate technique to increase interest and understanding of learning to reading student is Cooperative Integrated Reading   and   Composition   (CIRC).   Durukan. E, (2010)   states   that,   “Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition is technique which is based on cooperation.  It is designed  to  develop  reading,  writing,  vocabulary and spelling”. So I have some opinions to use this technique, the students will be relaxed, entertained, and motivated to learning reading and will be helped their ability in understanding learning to read.

Based on the definition above, the writer hopes that Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) technique in reading comprehension of narrative text can  be effective  technique  that can improve  students’ reading comprehension. In the other hand, can make students have more relaxed, entertained, motivated and active in the classroom. Therefore, in this proposal the writer wanted to take the research on  “The Effectiveness of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Technique in Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text: An Experimental Research At the Tenth Grade of SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu”



The researcher use the experimental research to know the real data that obtained from the respondent. The  kinds  of  experimental  methods  are  pre-experimental  design, true-experimental design, and quasi-experimental design that one of other has different characteristics.

The data analysis used quantitative research, it means that the researcher collects the data from the field and must go to place of the research. Moreover,  in  this  research,  the  researcher use quasi-experimental  design because in the research there will be implemented a pre-test and a post-test to get the data.  Two classes where involved in this research, it is experimental class and control class.  the  experimental  class  consists  of  the  students  who  received treatment. However, the control class was not. Both classes received a pre-test on whatever instrument is used to assess the effect of the experimentbefore the treatment has been given.

The populations of the study are students at SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu. There are six classes at tenth grade.178 students for all classes but here the researcher choose the 1 TKJ 1 as control class and 1 TKJ 2 as the experiment class, Which class 1 TKJ 2 as an Experimental class with 25 students, 20 male students and 5 is female students and 1 TKJ 1 as a Control class with 28 students, 20 male students and 8 is female students.

The instrument is used to achieve the accuracy of the data and can indicate that the researcher is successful or not in research. The instrument of the research are and test questionnaire. On the test, the researcher use pre-test and post test. Pre-test, In this step the researcher try to have a reading narrative text and give experiment class and control class a test about the text without treatment and the result is clearly own of the student so the researcher will know what and how to do for the experiment class. Post-test Finally the researcher give the experiment class and control class post-test by the same text and the researcher will focus on experiment class result because it’s have a treatment by using CIRC technique. In the last steps the researcher give the students questionnaire.

 In testing the T-test there are several requirements that must be tested from both data, namely: Normality test is used to test whether a variable is normal or not. Normal here in the sense of having a normal data distribution. To test data normality, you can use the One Sample test. Homogeneity test is used to test whether in a t-test model the data is homogeny or not. If homogeneity is homogeny, the researcher can carry out the advanced data analysis stage, otherwise methodological corrections must be made.


Students reading comprehension on narrative text before using CIRC technique can be called lack but not too bad, because according to students pre-test result mean is 65.6 for experimental class and 58.39 for the controlled class. But, there were some increasing mean result on post-test. 73 for the experimental class and 61.96 for the controlled class, this result have significant increasing, after applying the CIRC technique. To know how the data distribution here the researchers data: whether or not normal is if sig> 0.05 then normal and if sig<0.05 can be said abnormal. The result normality data from Pre-test and Post-test:

Table 4.8

Normality Test

Tests of Normality








Experiment Class





Control Class





From the table above Table 4.3 above, it can be seen that the L0 in significance column was 0.102 in experiment class, and 0.105 in control class. Meanwhile, the Ltables was 0.266.  It can be conclude that L0 < Ltable and it means the data was normal..


Table 4.9

The Result of Homogeneity Test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances



Levene Statistic





Based on Mean





Based on Median





Based on Median and with adjusted df





Based on trimmed mean






Based on data above Significance  column  was  0.743.  Meanwhile,  if the sig value > 0.05 of the data is homogeny, whereas  if the sig value < 0.05 of the data is not homogeny. Because of them the data show the sig 0.743 > 0.05 it means the data was homogeny..

T test is used to determine if there is a significance difference of method that can be used. One sample T test analysis by using SPSS 25.00 to find out the use of CIRC technique has any effectiveness on students’ reading comprehension of report text  on  tenth  grade  of  SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu.

The result is as follows:

Table 4.10

The Result of Hypothesis Test

Independent Samples Test


Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

t-test for Equality of Means





Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Difference

Std. Error Difference

95% Confidence Interval of the Difference




Equal variances assumed










Equal variances not assumed











In  order  to  provide answer for the question above, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and Null Hypothesis (H0) are proposed as follow:



a.  H0    (Null   Hypothesis):   there   was   no   effectiveness   of   CIRC technique in reading comprehension of narrative text.

b. Ha   (Alternative  Hypothesis):  there  was  an  effectiveness   of   CIRC technique in reading comprehension of narrative text.

To  prove  the  hypothesis,  the  obtained  data  from  experiment  class  and control class are calculated by using ttest formula with assumption as follows:

a. If  t0    ttable,  in  significant  degree  of 5%,  the  Null  Hypothesis  (H0)  is accepted and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that there is not effectiveness   of   CIRC technique in reading comprehension of narrative text.

b. If  t0    ttable,  in  significant  degree  of 5%,  the  Null  Hypothesis  (H0)  is rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that there is an effectiveness   of   CIRC technique in reading comprehension of narrative text.

According to the statistical calculation above, the value of t0 was 4.900 and the degree of freedom is 53 with 5% degree of significant used by the researcher. Based on the significance, it can be seen that on df = 53 in significance 5% the value of the ttable is 2.006. while the significant level obtained by the table above is 0.000 because 0.000 < 0.05 it can be concluded   that  the  Null  Hypothesis   (H0)  is  rejected   and  the  alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In conclusion, the CIRC technique have the effectiveness in understanding students' reading of narrative texts at the tenth grade of SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu.








1.   Conlusions

This study is a kind of quasi experimental study which has an objective to get the effectiveness of CIRC technique in reading comprehension of narrative text at ten grade students of SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu in academic year 2019/2020. Based on the statistical calculation and hypothesis testing in chapter IV, according to the statistical calculation above, the value of t0 was 4.900 and the degree of freedom is 53 with 5% degree of significant used by the researcher. Based on the significance, it can be seen that on df = 53 in significance 5% the value of the ttable is 2.006. while the significant level obtained by the table above is 0.000 because 0.000 < 0.05 it can be concluded   that  the  Null  Hypothesis   (H0)  is  rejected   and  the  Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In conclusion, the CIRC technique have the effectiveness on students' reading  comprehension of narrative texts at the tenth grade of SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu.

2.   Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, it can be delivered some suggestions from this research for people who have interested in doing the experiment in the same field. Here the suggestions theoretically and practically as follows:

                      a.      Theoretically

1)      The methodology of teaching English especially the use of CIRC techniques for the English teachers that can be implemented in the teaching learning process in the class.

2)      Increasing a source of knowledge regarding technical development Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) based learning can be important thing, because the learning process requires a variety of techniques so that learning is fun and easily understood by students, in this case using CIRC techniques.


b.   Practically

1)      For Teacher

CIRC technique could be used in teaching reading comprehension, because   it   was   an   effective   technique   to   increase   their   ability   in   reading comprehension, and become more creative in learning reading text by doing good steps of the technique.

2)      For Students

CIRC  technique  is expected  to    increase    students’    confidence    and bravery  to  ask  a  question,  to  show  their argument and also to build their comprehension skill.

3)      For Next Researcher

The researcher knows that the research is not perfect. But this research can be a source or reference for the next researcher to make a better research..













Durukan, E. 2010. Effect of Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) Technique on Reading-Writing Skills.

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Susetya, Budi. (2010).  Statistika untuk Analisis dan Data Penelitian. Bandung: Refika Aditama.

William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller, (2002). Teaching and Researching Reading. Second edition published in Great Britain in 2011 by Pearson Education Limited.






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